Post Slider Element

The post slider element allows you to display a 2-5 column slider with entries, that are fetched from any of your Themes active Taxonomies. This also includes Taxonomies that are added via Plugins. So for example if you have a shop plugin active you will also be able to display the latest Products.

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Pennants 2021

Good Afternoon Members, I hope you all had a fantastic week. Please find attached selections for round 1 of the pennant season starting Saturday 3rd July. Division 1:  Saturday 3rd July @ 1pm Hamilton Power vs Chermside @ The Powerhouse Division…

Hamilton Power News April

Good afternoon members, I hope you have all enjoyed your long weekend. Just a quick catch up on what's happening around the club over the next week. Tuesday Social This Tuesday the 27th April, Hamilton members will be playing a game of…

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